Saint Luis Rey Serie G Natural
Saint Luis Rey cigars trace their origin back to Cuba. The brand was established in Cuba before the Cuban Revolution and quickly gained a reputation for producing high-quality cigars. After the revolution, the brand was re-established outside of Cuba, with production moving primarily to Honduras, where the cigars are still made today. The rich history and Cuban roots contribute to the brand's legacy and continued popularity among cigar enthusiasts.
Saint Luis Rey Serie G are meticulously handcrafted in Honduras. Each cigar features a Honduran binder and a combination of premium fillers from the lush, fertile soils of Nicaragua and Honduras that creates a complex and robust smoking experience. The finishing touch is the exquisite chocolate brown Nicaraguan wrapper that is rich and savory. The result is a medium to full bodied smoke with earthy undertones progressing to hints of coffee, cocoa, and a subtle sweetness that lingers on the palate. The cigar’s complexity is further highlighted by notes of pepper and spice, ensuring a dynamic and engaging smoking journey from start to finish. Saint Luis Rey Serie G is available in three vitolas- Churchill, Rothchilde, and the No. 6.
Saint Luis Rey cigars trace their origin back to Cuba. The brand was established in Cuba before the Cuban Revolution and quickly gained a reputation for producing high-quality cigars. After the revolution, the brand was re-established outside of Cuba, with production moving primarily to Honduras, where the cigars are still made today. The rich history and Cuban roots contribute to the brand's legacy and continued popularity among cigar enthusiasts.
Saint Luis Rey Serie G are meticulously handcrafted in Honduras. Each cigar features a Honduran binder and a combination of premium fillers from the lush, fertile soils of Nicaragua and Honduras that creates a complex and robust smoking experience. The finishing touch is the exquisite chocolate brown Nicaraguan wrapper that is rich and savory. The result is a medium to full bodied smoke with earthy undertones progressing to hints of coffee, cocoa, and a subtle sweetness that lingers on the palate. The cigar’s complexity is further highlighted by notes of pepper and spice, ensuring a dynamic and engaging smoking journey from start to finish. Saint Luis Rey Serie G is available in three vitolas- Churchill, Rothchilde, and the No. 6.