Baccarat Cigars
Baccarat cigars is what you need if a premium handmade mild cigar is what you are looking for. These cigars ooze a classical feel both in the way they look and their construction. The sweet aftertaste offered with each drag is one of the things that separates them from other cigars.
The brown Connecticut shade leaves wrap around the cigars giving them a pleasing, exquisite look. Baccarat cigars come from the famous Camacho brand of cigars, recently acquired by Davidoff group. The cigars are filled with Honduran tobacco leaves, which are grown in the fields of Ranchos Jamastran. The ideal soil and suitable climate has made this region, nestled in Danli, Honduras a paradise for the tobacco growers.
These cigars are enclosed with dark brown wrappers and offer a smooth draw and a pleasant aroma. In fact, the aroma of the cigar can well be described as toasty while the flavors of the cigar are mostly sweet coming from the wrapper. The cigars also offer spicy notes along with overall sweetness. These cigars are perfect for beginners and for the mild-smoking veterans. These cigars can be smoked as everyday morning cigars. The cigar line was officially introduced in 1978, but the rich history of Baccarat cigars dates back to 1871. You can enjoy these exquisite cigars in your favorite vitolas. The sizes and shapes include Cigarillos, Belicoso, Kings, Churchill, Double Corona and Robusto. Choose your pick and relish these classic cigars to get a semblance of the proverbial ‘good life’.
Wrapper: Natural-Cameroon, Honduras, Indonesia, USA/Connecticut, Maduro- Ecuador, Mexico or Nicaragua.
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Honduras.
Origin: Danli, Honduras
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Baccarat cigars is what you need if a premium handmade mild cigar is what you are looking for. These cigars ooze a classical feel both in the way they look and their construction. The sweet aftertaste offered with each drag is one of the things that separates them from other cigars.
The brown Connecticut shade leaves wrap around the cigars giving them a pleasing, exquisite look. Baccarat cigars come from the famous Camacho brand of cigars, recently acquired by Davidoff group. The cigars are filled with Honduran tobacco leaves, which are grown in the fields of Ranchos Jamastran. The ideal soil and suitable climate has made this region, nestled in Danli, Honduras a paradise for the tobacco growers.
These cigars are enclosed with dark brown wrappers and offer a smooth draw and a pleasant aroma. In fact, the aroma of the cigar can well be described as toasty while the flavors of the cigar are mostly sweet coming from the wrapper. The cigars also offer spicy notes along with overall sweetness. These cigars are perfect for beginners and for the mild-smoking veterans. These cigars can be smoked as everyday morning cigars. The cigar line was officially introduced in 1978, but the rich history of Baccarat cigars dates back to 1871. You can enjoy these exquisite cigars in your favorite vitolas. The sizes and shapes include Cigarillos, Belicoso, Kings, Churchill, Double Corona and Robusto. Choose your pick and relish these classic cigars to get a semblance of the proverbial ‘good life’.
Wrapper: Natural-Cameroon, Honduras, Indonesia, USA/Connecticut, Maduro- Ecuador, Mexico or Nicaragua.
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Honduras.
Origin: Danli, Honduras