Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cigars boasts many 90+ ratings and 25 blends that have earned the title of “Best Cigar of the Year”. Each brand in their portfolio features a distinct blend of perfectly aged Habano Nicaraguan tobaccos and a variety of wrappers such as Connecticut Broadleaf and Habano Sun Grown. With their 90+ ratings, commitment to quality and great value, Oliva Cigars is a brand every cigar smoker needs in their humidor.
Few cigar manufacturers have a worldwide following like they do. The company was founded in 1886 when Melanio Oliva began growing tobacco in Pinar del Rio, Cuba. As the business made its way through two generations, the cigar industry took a turn for the worse after the 1959 Cuban Revolution. It was up to Melanio’s grandson, Gilberto, to find a place where the company could regain its footing. He found that hallowed ground in Nicaragua, where he concluded that “Northern Nicaragua enjoys all the natural blessings for great Habano.” Since then, the family-run business has become the second-largest grower of Cuban-seed tobacco in Nicaragua.
Read moreOliva Cigars are a humidor mainstay and a household name among cigar lovers. After over a century in the market, Oliva Cigars is home to a studded portfolio full of highly rated, top shelf cigars including Oliva Serie V Melanio, Oliva Serie G, Oliva Connecticut, and Oliva Serie O just to mention a few.
History of Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cigars Co., not to be confused with Oliva Tobacco Company, began as a family brand in 1886. Melanio Oliva, the patriarch, started growing tobacco in Pinar de Rio, Cuba. Shortly afterwards, he had to halt his growing operations in order to fight in the Cuban War of Independence. After the war, Melanio continued to grow tobacco and groom his son Facundo Oliva, who later took over the growing in the early 1920s. Business was going well until the country became unstable due to Communists. The peak of it was the embargo that forced Gilberto, Facundo’s son to shift from growing tobacco to brokering.
The Oliva patriarchs had a rough time searching for the ideal weather conditions outside of Cuba to grow tobacco. They went from Honduras to Panama to Mexico and Sri Lanka before finally settling in Nicaragua. Gilberto led the family cigar business into tremendous heights so much so that Oliva became at one time the second largest grower of Cuban-seed tobacco in the world.
But it wasn't until 1995 that Oliva and Gilberto registered Oliva Cigars Co. and debuted the first Oliva Cigar made by the Plasencia Family. Until Oliva Cigars acquisition by J. Cortes in 2016, this cigar empire continued to soar in all spheres of tobacco from growing, to curing, blending, and rolling.
A Little About J. Cortes
J. Cortes is the largest seller of machine made cigars in Europe. The Vandermalieres are a family of tobacco purveyors who began making and selling cigars in the 1920s.
Formerly named Vandermaliere, J.Cortes effected the name change after acquiring the brand of cigars in the 70s. J. Cortes makes and sells over 500 million cigars every year and has operations in Belgium and the Philippines.
Despite being wildly successful in the machine made cigars market, J. Cortes wanted a successful arm of premium hand made smokes in their portfolio so they acquired Oliva Cigars. After the patriarch Gilberto passed on in 2017, the Oliva Family sold their tobacco farms to J. Cortes including Pre Industria, Terranova, and El Manguito.
Oliva Cigars Brands
At the time of acquisition, Oliva Cigars had Serie V, Serie V Melanio, Serie O and G, Master Blends 3, Gilberto Oliva, Flor de Oliva, Connecticut Reserve and the Nub in their portfolio. J. Cortes plans to maintain the quality and value that the Oliva Cigars brand is known for.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Oliva cigars good?
Blends: Oliva Cigars masterfully crafts 25 blends, each earning accolades like "Best Cigar of the Year" and many 90+ ratings. These blends showcase a fusion of perfectly aged Habano Nicaraguan tobaccos, ensuring a diverse and exceptional smoking experience.
Type of Tobacco: Utilizing the finest Habano Nicaraguan tobaccos, Oliva Cigars sources from the second-largest grower of Cuban-seed tobacco in Nicaragua. The commitment to quality is evident in every blend, delivering a consistent and premium smoking sensation.
Cuban Seed: With a history rooted in Cuba since 1886, Oliva Cigars maintains its heritage by incorporating Cuban-seed tobacco in their blends. This longstanding legacy not only bolsters the brand's global acclaim but also plays a pivotal role in crafting top-rated cigars.
Cuban-seed tobaccos are renowned for their full flavor. However, the taste evolves based on the soil where they're planted. For instance, a Cuban seed in the Dominican Republic will not taste identical to one grown in Cuba, adding a unique dimension to Oliva's cigar profiles.
How to pronounce Oliva cigars?
The correct pronunciation of Oliva is "o-LEE-vah." This pronunciation reflects the Cuban's heritage and is commonly used among cigar aficionados.
Where are Oliva cigars made?
Oliva cigars are predominantly crafted in Nicaragua, housed in a cutting-edge production facility churning out over 50,000 cigars daily. Originating from Melanio Oliva's historic tobacco cultivation in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, in 1886, the current focal point of production is in Nicaragua. Under the banner of Oliva Cigar Co., the brand excels in creating a substantial volume of handmade cigars, boasting an annual output ranging from 15 to 16 million cigars.
What are Oliva's top 5 best-selling cigars?
Among Oliva's top-selling cigars are iconic lines such as Serie V, Serie O, Serie G, Serie V Melanio, and Connecticut Reserve. These cigars are celebrated for their unique blends and exceptional smoking experiences.
Oliva's top-selling cigars have received recognition and accolades from various sources, including Cigar Aficionado ratings and the Top 25 Cigars of the Year. Here's a breakdown:
Serie V: Serie V cigars, known for their full-bodied flavor, have received numerous high ratings, often exceeding 90 points.
Serie O: Serie O cigars have consistently garnered positive reviews and ratings, with many falling within the 90-point range.
Serie G: While Serie G may not have secured top positions in the Cigar Aficionado Top 25, it remains a popular choice for its quality and affordability.
Serie V Melanio: The Serie V Melanio has achieved great success, including being named Cigar Aficionado's Cigar of the Year in 2014, with a rating of 96.
Connecticut Reserve: The Connecticut Reserve, appreciated for its milder profile, has earned favorable reviews and ratings, although it may not have achieved the same level of recognition as some of Oliva's fuller-bodied lines.
These cigars are not only best-sellers but also showcase Oliva's commitment to producing high-quality blends that cater to a range of preferences, from milder to full-bodied options.
- Oliva Connecticut Reserve Cigars
- Oliva Serie G Cigars
- Oliva Serie O Cigars
- Oliva Serie V Cigars
- Oliva Serie V Melanio Cigars
Selection of Oliva Cigars at Discounted Prices