We work hard to earn your trust and loyalty everyday by closely monitoring the cigar industry to bring you a superb selection at the lowest prices. Our goal is to provide you with excellent customer service, great prices, and prompt delivery of your purchase. We take great pride in offering you one of the country's largest and freshest selections of premium cigars.
The company is named after the Nepalese fighters in the British colonial army who rolled their own cigars which the British then called Gurkhas. Since then, the brand has become famous for their luxurious and unique blends made from rare tobaccos, extraordinary limited releases and one of a kind, artistic packaging designs. Their cigars are highly rated and enjoyed by aficionados around the world.
The Cellar Reserve cigars have earned an incredible 97 rating by Cigar Aficionado. They feature a remarkable blend of Dominican tobaccos aged for 15 years, finished with a Dominican Olor binder and an oily Nicaraguan Criollo 1998 leaf wrapper. No detail was overlooked in this masterpiece cigar blend. The Cellar Reserve is available in three sizes- the Solara, Hedonism and Kraken and presented in boxes resembling crates.
The Ghost cigars are luxurious beauties hand crafted in the infamous Abe Flores factory in the Dominican Republic. One of their most popular blends, they feature a meticulously selected Nicaraguan and Dominican tobacco filler blend with an aged Dominican Criollo 98 binder and a dark and oily Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro leaf wrapper. The Ghost cigars are highly sought after by connoisseurs everywhere.
Royal Challenge cigars feature Dominican and Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos with a Honduran Habano binder and an elegant, perfectly aged Ecuadorian Connecticut shade leaf wrapper that is impeccable and silky. These medium bodied smokes have rich, complex flavors with notes of cedar, spice and citrus with a buttery, creamy finish. The presentation of the leather box with detailed insignia is truly eye-catching.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much do Gurkha cigars cost?
Gurkha cigars vary in price, influenced by factors like blend, size, and packaging. The range spans from budget-friendly options to high-end collector's editions.
Indulge in the Cellar Reserve Limitada, a Gurkha masterpiece that elevates tradition with its Brazilian Arapiraca maduro leaf wrapper. This blend redefines the cigar experience, boasting a rich bouquet of cocoa, earth, spices, and leather. With a slow burn and a medium to full-bodied profile, the Cellar Reserve Limitada is a standout choice. Starting at $8.90 a stick, this exceptional cigar is a true delight for aficionados.
Explore other notable blends from Gurkha, such as the Cellar Reserve 15 Year, rated 91, boasting 15-year-aged tobacco and an oily criollo 1998 wrapper. For the epitome of exclusivity, savor the Cellar Reserve 21 Year, featuring tobacco aged for an impressive 21 years. Prices for these exceptional cigars range from $12 to $13 a stick, offering aficionados a premium experience.
Gurkha's commitment to quality shines in their affordable luxury cigars, making them a sought-after choice for enthusiasts. The meticulous craftsmanship, premium tobacco blends, and exceptional smoking experience justify the cost, ensuring each Gurkha cigar is well worth the investment.
Who makes Gurkha cigars?
Gurkha cigars are meticulously crafted by the Gurkha Cigar Group, a distinguished company committed to producing premium cigars. Founded over a century ago, Gurkha's legacy was revitalized in 1992 by Kaizad Hansotia. Today, the Gurkha team, consisting of skilled artisans and tobacco experts, plays a pivotal role in the production process. Kaizad Hansotia's keen eye and refined taste guide the brand's commitment to creating exceptional cigars, ensuring the continuation of Gurkha's rich tradition and legendary status in the world of cigars.
Are Gurkha cigars overrated?
Opinions on Gurkha cigars' ratings vary, influenced by individual preferences. While some applaud the brand's commitment to quality, others may have contrasting views. Gurkha has earned many 90+ ratings and has been featured in the top 25 cigars of the year by Cigar Aficionado. To form your own opinion, explore diverse blends, such as the super-premium Maharaja with its secret blend of top-quality tobaccos, delivering a smooth, sweet taste.
Gurkha Cellar Reserve 12 Year Platinum Solara, a part of the exclusive Cellar Reserve Line. Being the first in the series to include well selected Nicaraguan tobaccos from Condega, Jalapa, and Esteli, this blend stands out. These medium-bodied cigars, aged for 12 years and covered in a black Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, have a rich and complex blend with natural flavors of sweetness and nuts. Available in boxes of 20 cigars, the Gurkha Cellar Reserve 12 Year Platinum Solara is a 5 x 58 double robusto.
Are Gurkha cigars worth the price?
The worth of Gurkha cigars is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Enthusiasts who appreciate complex blends and exquisite craftsmanship may find Gurkha cigars worth the investment. It's important to consider the overall smoking experience, the quality of tobacco used, and the attention to detail in the manufacturing process. For those who value a luxurious and unique smoking experience, Gurkha cigars often deliver on these fronts.
Are there any bad Gurkha cigars?
Like any brand, individual preferences play a role in determining whether a cigar is considered "bad." Gurkha is known for its diverse portfolio, offering a wide range of flavors and intensities. Exploring different blends within the Gurkha lineup can help you find the ones that suit your taste. Keep in mind that what might be perceived as a "bad" cigar by one person could be a favorite for another, making the exploration of Gurkha's offerings an exciting journey to discover the perfect smoke for your palate.