Cuban Rounds
Cuban rounds budget-friendly line blends Nicaraguan tobacco in handcrafted, all-natural cigars. Sold in affordable bundles without boxes, it brings a heritage-rich experience to enthusiasts. With intuitive blends reminiscent of Cuban mastery, these well-balanced cigars offer layers of textured flavor. Refined and nuanced, each smoke highlights leaf quality and tobacco complexity. Cuban Rounds deliver a premium experience at an accessible price point.
Ventura Cigar Co., a sub-company of Kretek International founded in the 1980s, is the producer of the Cuban Rounds brand, contributing to the California-based importer and manufacturer's diverse portfolio of tobacco products in the United States.
Each blend is available in three classic vitolas - Churchill, Torpedo, Toro and Robusto.
Cuban rounds budget-friendly line blends Nicaraguan tobacco in handcrafted, all-natural cigars. Sold in affordable bundles without boxes, it brings a heritage-rich experience to enthusiasts. With intuitive blends reminiscent of Cuban mastery, these well-balanced cigars offer layers of textured flavor. Refined and nuanced, each smoke highlights leaf quality and tobacco complexity. Cuban Rounds deliver a premium experience at an accessible price point.
Ventura Cigar Co., a sub-company of Kretek International founded in the 1980s, is the producer of the Cuban Rounds brand, contributing to the California-based importer and manufacturer's diverse portfolio of tobacco products in the United States.
Each blend is available in three classic vitolas - Churchill, Torpedo, Toro and Robusto.