Montecristo Cigars
Montecristo’s beginnings originate in Cuba circa 1935 and the brand has continued to thrive since then. In the mid 70’s after the Cuban revolution, the brand’s headquarters moved to the Tabacalera de Garcia factory in La Romana, Dominican Republic where the cigars continue to be made to this day.
Keeping with Cuban style techniques, Montecristo employs the best cigar rollers and the quality and craftsmanship of each cigar is like none other in the cigar industry. The brand’s dedication to creating luxurious blends with the highest quality tobaccos and techniques has made them the most recognizable premium brand in the world.
Each cigar in the many brands is meticulously handcrafted with the finest vintage tobacco fillers and unique wrappers. Whichever brand of Montecristo cigars you select, you can be assured that each is constructed with care to provide a long and luxurious smoking experience.
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- Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua
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- Monte by Montecristo Cigars
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- Montecristo Volume 1 : 100 Days
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Best Place to Buy Montecristo Cigars Online