Don Tomas Cigars
Don Tomas cigars have been handcrafted in Honduras for almost half a century and have earned a reputation as the quintessential classic cigar by aficionados worldwide.
These iconic hand rolled cigars are skillfully crafted by master cigar rollers who create flawless masterpieces time and time again. The brand’s dedication to using the highest quality tobacco fillers and wrappers and their outstanding craftsmanship has earned Don Tomas 90+ ratings by Cigar Aficionado and a loyal legion of smokers who consider these affordable beauties a perfect every day smoke.
Read moreDon Tomas Clasico cigars embody the classic cigar taste and feel with their impeccable craftsmanship and smooth flavors. Hand crafted in Honduras, these cigars feature a blend of long filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and the nutrient rich Talanga Valley of Honduras. They are then finished with a golden Habano seed wrapper leaf grown in Honduras. These cigars are medium bodied and a great every day cigar.
Don Tomas Nicaragua cigars are a milder blend of all Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos from four distinct growing regions in Nicaragua- Jalapa, Condega, Esteli and Pueblo Nuevo. These tobaccos each have a distinct flavor and combine to create a perfect balance of nuts, earth and spices. The binder is Brazilian Arapiraca and the wrapper is a shade grown Jalapa leaf, both lending a natural sweetness to the finish. Slow burning and perfect with every puff.
Don Tomas Sun Grown cigars are the epitome of old world style with a Honduran puro blend crafted with traditional hand rolling techniques. They feature a perfect blend of aged Honduran long fillers finished in an attractive reddish-brown sun grown Jamastran leaf wrapper. The resulting flavors are sweet yet spicy and good to the last puff.
- Don Tomas Clasico Cigars
- Don Tomas Maduro Cigars
- Don Tomas Nicaragua Cigars
- Don Tomas Sun Grown Cigars