Hoyo De Monterrey Cigars
Hoyo de Monterrey has been producing high quality cigars since 1865. Don José Gener y Batet, an immigrant from Spain, founded the brand in the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, infamous for its concave terrain and its ideal climate for tobacco production.
The brand gained international notoriety, especially in Britain, and with it great success. His factory quickly became the largest cigar producer in Cuba. Gener’s daughter took over the business in 1900 after his passing and would remain the family business for 30 years.
Read moreHoyo Excalibur cigars are classic premium, hand rolled cigars that have consistently ranked high in Cigar Aficionado and are among their top 25 cigars. They utilize the finest hand selected tobaccos and range from mild bodied to full bodied options. Each Excalibur cigar is a truly amazing smoke.
The brand moved production to Honduras in 1959 after the revolutionary government nationalized tobacco factories across Cuba, manufacturing their prized cigars with seeds from the original Cuban plants. Hoyo de Monterrey cigars remain an elegant and complex, full-bodied Habana style cigar and a classic choice among premium cigar smokers.
The Excalibur Miniature cigars are very popular among cigar smokers around the world. Their smaller size and convenient packaging makes them perfect for taking on the go and enjoying when there isn’t enough time to enjoy a full-sized cigar. They may be small, but do not lack flavor. They are full bodied with Honduran tobacco fillers and a Connecticut shade leaf wrapper. Hints of spice with robust flavors with a smooth finish.
The Black Box cigars are the first Hoyos to feature an Esteli Habano Shade leaf wrapper. The bold wrapper holds the Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and an exquisite blend of Nicaraguan Esteli, Nicaraguan Ometepe and Pennsylvanian tobacco long fillers together. The result is bold peppery flavors with a balanced sweet smoke.