Southern Draw Cigars
Southern Draw Cigar Company, founded by Robert and Sharon Holt in 2014, is a boutique cigar manufacturer dedicated to producing premium handmade cigars. Based on themes of Southern hospitality and military honor, the company collaborates with the AJ Fernandez Cigar Company in Estelí, Nicaragua, to craft its cigars. Known for their commitment to quality, Southern Draw uses only the finest tobaccos, with each cigar undergoing a rigorous aging and fermentation process. Popular lines include Kudzu, Firethorn, Jacob’s Ladder, and Rose of Sharon, each offering a unique flavor profile. Emphasizing family values, tradition, and charitable support for veterans and first responders, Southern Draw has built a reputation for excellence in the cigar industry.
- Southern Draw Desert Rose
- Southern Draw Jacob's Ladder
- Southern Draw Kudzu
- Southern Draw Rose of Sharon