Clipper Cigars
Manufactured by one of the oldest cigar brands in the United States, Clipper Filtered Cigars are sure to deliver the excellence in quality that is usually associated with their tobacco products. These cigars offer a more full-flavored smoke in a smaller size when compared to cigarettes.
Their popularity increased ten folds due to the rise in the price of cigarettes. These outstanding cigars offer a mild flavor and a delectable aroma. They’re wrapped in a dark homogenized wrapper leaf, with a secret blend of premium short filler tobaccos that offer the right kind of ‘hit’. They also employ a high-quality filter that ensures that right proportions of strength and flavor come through, all while avoiding any interference to the smoking experience. The result is a smooth, relaxing and long-lasting cigar that offers a treat to any smoker, no matter what the mood or location is.
Manufactured by one of the oldest cigar brands in the United States, Clipper Filtered Cigars are sure to deliver the excellence in quality that is usually associated with their tobacco products. These cigars offer a more full-flavored smoke in a smaller size when compared to cigarettes.
Their popularity increased ten folds due to the rise in the price of cigarettes. These outstanding cigars offer a mild flavor and a delectable aroma. They’re wrapped in a dark homogenized wrapper leaf, with a secret blend of premium short filler tobaccos that offer the right kind of ‘hit’. They also employ a high-quality filter that ensures that right proportions of strength and flavor come through, all while avoiding any interference to the smoking experience. The result is a smooth, relaxing and long-lasting cigar that offers a treat to any smoker, no matter what the mood or location is.