AVO X.O. Cigars
Avo X.O premium cigars were created by the famous Jazz musician Avo Uvezian and you will find ample evidence of this in the cigar itself. The harmonious blend of the flavors and aromas make the experience of smoking these cigars no less than that of a symphonious musical performance.
Handmade in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Avo X.O cigars are one of the most beloved and exquisite cigars to come out of the Avo cigar line. The Connecticut shade tobacco leaves that are wrapped around the cigar give them their characteristic color. The sheer work and effort to get the taste right in every puff of the cigar can be gauged from the fact that Dominican republic tobacco is cured for 6-years before using it as a filler.
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With a smooth draw and an even burn this cigar is an absolute masterpiece, which adds to the flavor and feel of special occasions. The flavor is a complex and rich blend owing to the 5 country blend of tobacco used in the cigar. Avo X.O cigars are a medium-bodied cigar infused with flavors of wood, spices cedar and sweet molasses. The earthy smell of this tantalizing cigar reminds you of all the good and beautiful things in life. These cigars come in Robusto, Churchill, Corona and Lancero vitolas. The balanced Avo X.O cigar is a work of art with the balanced texture, flavor and aroma. These cigars are best smoked after a cup of coffee in the morning or after lunch. Wrapper: USA/ Connecticut Binder: Dominican Republic Filler: Dominican Republic Handmade in: Santiago, Dominican Republic
Avo X.O premium cigars were created by the famous Jazz musician Avo Uvezian and you will find ample evidence of this in the cigar itself. The harmonious blend of the flavors and aromas make the experience of smoking these cigars no less than that of a symphonious musical performance.
Handmade in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Avo X.O cigars are one of the most beloved and exquisite cigars to come out of the Avo cigar line. The Connecticut shade tobacco leaves that are wrapped around the cigar give them their characteristic color. The sheer work and effort to get the taste right in every puff of the cigar can be gauged from the fact that Dominican republic tobacco is cured for 6-years before using it as a filler.
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With a smooth draw and an even burn this cigar is an absolute masterpiece, which adds to the flavor and feel of special occasions. The flavor is a complex and rich blend owing to the 5 country blend of tobacco used in the cigar. Avo X.O cigars are a medium-bodied cigar infused with flavors of wood, spices cedar and sweet molasses. The earthy smell of this tantalizing cigar reminds you of all the good and beautiful things in life. These cigars come in Robusto, Churchill, Corona and Lancero vitolas. The balanced Avo X.O cigar is a work of art with the balanced texture, flavor and aroma. These cigars are best smoked after a cup of coffee in the morning or after lunch. Wrapper: USA/ Connecticut Binder: Dominican Republic Filler: Dominican Republic Handmade in: Santiago, Dominican Republic