The Elegant Southern Draw Rose of Sharon | Gotham Cigars
The world of premium cigars is vast and diverse, offering aficionados a wide range of flavors, strengths, and experiences. Among these, the Southern Draw Rose of Sharon stands out as a celebrated line from the Southern Draw Cigar Company. Named in honor of Sharon Holt, co-founder of the company, this cigar embodies the essence of Southern hospitality and quality craftsmanship.
A Tribute to Sharon Holt
The Southern Draw Rose of Sharon is more than just a cigar; it is a tribute to Sharon Holt, who has played a pivotal role in the foundation and success of Southern Draw Cigars. This line reflects her grace, strength, and the welcoming spirit she brings to the company. It is designed to offer a milder smoking experience, making it accessible to both novice and experienced smokers.
The Blend
The Rose of Sharon features a carefully curated blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos. This combination is meticulously chosen to create a balanced and harmonious flavor profile that appeals to a wide range of palates.
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sun Grown Connecticut
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican
The Ecuadorian Sun Grown Connecticut wrapper is delicate and silky, contributing to the cigar's smooth texture and appearance. This wrapper is known for its ability to impart creamy and nutty flavors, which form the backbone of the Rose of Sharon's profile.
Flavor Profile
From the first draw to the last, the Southern Draw Rose of Sharon delivers a delightful smoking experience. The initial notes are creamy and nutty, creating a rich and satisfying base. As the cigar progresses, subtle hints of spice and sweetness emerge, adding complexity and depth to the flavor.
- Initial Notes: Creamy and nutty
- Midway: Subtle hints of spice
- Finale: A touch of sweetness
This nuanced flavor profile makes the Rose of Sharon an excellent choice for those who appreciate a cigar that evolves throughout the smoking session. Its milder strength ensures it can be enjoyed at any time of the day, whether you're starting your morning with a cup of coffee or winding down in the evening.
A Commitment to Quality and Hospitality
Southern Draw Cigars has built its reputation on a commitment to quality and hospitality, values that are evident in every puff of the Rose of Sharon. Each cigar is expertly crafted to ensure consistency and excellence, reflecting the company's dedication to providing a superior smoking experience.
Why Choose the Southern Draw Rose of Sharon?
- Mild Strength: Ideal for both beginners and seasoned smokers.
- Complex Flavor Profile: Offers creamy, nutty, spicy, and sweet notes.
- High-Quality Construction: Ensures a smooth and enjoyable smoke.
- Meaningful Tribute: Honors co-founder Sharon Holt's contributions to the company.
The Southern Draw Rose of Sharon is more than just a cigar; it's a celebration of craftsmanship, quality, and the welcoming spirit of Southern hospitality. Whether you're a novice smoker or a seasoned aficionado, this cigar offers a delightful experience that is sure to impress.
Next time you're seeking a cigar that embodies elegance and flavor, consider the Southern Draw Rose of Sharon. Its balanced blend and nuanced profile make it a standout choice in the world of premium cigars.
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