Nub Habano 464T are torpedo-shaped premium cigars from the Studio Tobac brand. These cigars are hand-made in Oliva Cigar factory by dedicated rollers who have mastered the art of cigar making. These cigars, although small in size, pack a real punch to give your palate a smoke-gasm.
Created by Sam Leccia, the concept of Nub cigars is that the whole cigar body must be a ‘sweet spot’ and not just a particular part of the cigar. Nub Habano 464T cigars have a length of 4 inches and a ring gauge of 64. These full-flavored cigars are well constructed and have a deliciously satisfying caramel taste with notes of cedar and an earthy aroma. These cigars can last you for up to an hour. They are packaged in sets of 24 in wooden boxes that prevent them from damage. Try one of these to find out that cigar connoisseurs are raving about.
4 x 64 (Torpedo) | Box of 24 | Habano | Nicaraguan | Nicaraguan | Nicaragua |
SKU: |
NUBH464T |
Category: |
Premium Cigars |
Product Type: |
Cigar |
Manufacturer: |
Oliva Cigars |
Brand: |
Nub Habano |
Wrapper Type: |
Habano |
Wrapper: |
Habano |
Binder: |
Nicaraguan |
Filler: |
Nicaraguan |
Origin: |
Nicaragua |
Ring Gauge: |
64 |
Length: |
4 |
Shape: |
Torpedo |
Strength: |
Medium-Full |
Quantity: |
24 |
Package Type: |
Box |
Rating: |
N/A |
Package Count: |
24 |
Price Per Cigar: |
$7.60333333333333 |
Gift Type: |
Not Applicable |
Flavored: |
No |
Filtered: |
No |
Little: |
No |
Groupon: |
No |
Discontinued: |
No |
Buy 1 Get 1: |
No |
Free Gift: |
No |
Free Shipping: |
No |
Suscribe: |
No |
90+ Rated: |
No |
Limited Edition: |
No |
Rare Cigar: |
No |
Top 25 Brand: |
No |
Aficionado Top 25: |
No |
Staff Pick: |
No |