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Why Are Little Cigars Suddenly Everywhere?

Why Are Little Cigars Suddenly Everywhere?

Little Cigars

Why Are Little Cigars Suddenly Everywhere?

Smoking is an American pastime, and as cigarettes fall out of favor, interesting alternatives, like vaping, are popping up in different situations. Little cigars are one alternative that has been gaining popularity in the past few years. We'll talk about what little cigars really are, why they're healthier for you than cigarettes, and how they can even save you a little bit of money.

What are little cigars?

Little cigars, as the name implies, are smaller than regular cigars. They are sold in 10 packs, like cigarettes, but have a different flavor and taste than cigarettes. They are often less expensive than cigarettes too.

Smokers say that little cigars split the difference between the flavor of a cigarette and a cigar. Little cigars are meant to be inhaled; some have a sweeter filter than cigarettes as well. Many smokers prefer little cigars because they are made from cigar tobacco, which is less processed than the tobacco used in cigarettes.

Why choose little cigars?

Little cigars have a number of benefits over either cigarettes or cigars. First, cigars tend to take a very long time to smoke. They are very big, and are difficult to smoke with friends who are just going outside for a quick smoke break. There is also a lot of paraphernalia that goes along with cigars; you have to keep them humidified, you need to cut the ends, and you need to light them properly. This can be a lot to manage when you just want a smoke.

Little cigars keep many of the benefits of cigars over cigarettes; the flavor is fuller, because the tobacco is generally less processed. But they are also easier to smoke. Because they are smaller, they can be lit with a regular lighter or match. They smoke more quickly, so that you're not spending hours on a smoke break. And they look more interesting than a regular cigarette, showing smokers to be a little more sophisticated and discerning.

Flavor profiles

One reason many smokers enjoy little cigars is the variety of flavors that are available. While cigarettes are generally only available in regular and maybe menthol, little cigars can be found in peach, vanilla, clove, grape, and much more. Each of the most popular companies, such as  Cheyenne CigarsWinchester Little CigarsSwisher Little Cigars, and Captain Black Little Cigars, have different options available, and each company's flavors will have a different taste. There are so many choices that there is something for every single smoker.

Less expensive

Because little cigars and cigarettes are taxed differently, little cigars can be much less expensive than a pack of cigarettes – sometimes as much as $3 less per pack. Sometimes they are even available for mail order and online order, depending on where a customer lives, allowing people to shop around and find the very best deal in their area.

Many smokers also report that they have fewer nicotine cravings from little cigars, compared to cigarettes. This may mean that they smoke a pack more slowly, allowing them to save money simply by buying fewer packs.

Can you inhale?

One big question with little cigars is: can you inhale? In general, most people don't inhale much cigar smoke, and since little cigars are similarly named, many people wonder. You can inhale little cigar smoke, because they are packaged with filters.

That said, inhaling smoke is more dangerous to your long term health than just holding it in your mouth, tasting it, and then releasing it. With little cigars, you can enjoy the smoke without inhaling and drawing the smoke into your lungs, which may be better for your health over the long term.

One of the big differences between cigarettes and cigars is that cigarette smoke must be drawn into your lungs for nicotine to enter your blood stream; cigar tobacco is formulated differently, and nicotine can enter your blood stream just from your mouth.

Want to try little cigars?

You can buy little cigars in many of the same places you buy cigarettes. If you have never smoked and want a casual smoking experience with friends, little cigars may be a trendy, less expensive, and less addictive way to enjoy the social experience of smoking. Keep in mind that while you can inhale them, just like a cigarette, this may not be the safest way to enjoy them. Try several different brands and flavors to find out what you like, and enjoy at your leisure!

The biggest benefit of little cigars may be that you are less likely to want to chain smoke them. Overall, this gives you the social and psychological benefits of smoking, while protecting your health from some of the risks associated with smoking cigarettes.

Want to learn more about little cigars? Reach out to us today, and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have. 

21st Dec 2016 Little Cigar Man

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