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The Perfect Accessory for Cigar Aficionados

The Perfect Accessory for Cigar Aficionados

Travel Humidors

Travel Humidors: The Perfect Spring and Summer Accessory for Aficionados

It’s that time of the year to enjoy traveling. Spring and summer are undoubtedly the most popular times of the year when it’s time to hit the beach or visit family and friends. Envision your vacation. You’ve endured the busy airport, sat through a long flight (maybe even with a layover or 2 yikes), trekked through baggage claim, picked up your rental car or hailed a taxi and finally reached your destination. Now, it’s time to unwind. You are ready to sit back, relax and light up your favorite cigar. Picture your disappointment when you light up and realize that the wrapper is damaged. Don’t let this happen to you. Ensure that your cigars are ready to enjoy during your travels by making sure they are secured in your travel humidor. You’ll protect your prized possessions safe. Travel humidors offer protection against any travel related damage while maintaining the proper humidification.

When searching for your humidor there are some important things to consider. Make sure it is airtight to keep fresh. Keep size in mind. You definitely want to go with a travel humidor that is sized to fit your luggage and travel needs. A hard case is also ideal and offers the highest level of protection. Straps and handle carriers are an added benefit and are extremely convenient. We have some great travel humidor options for you. 

One of our top sellers is the Gurkha MVP Travel Humidor Sampler. This sleek hard case collectible carries 5 cigars in perfect condition wherever you may go. In fact, this package is so neat, that it comes with 5 Gurkha Cigars therein. You are looking at 

  • Gurkha Seduction x 2
  • Gurkha Evil
  • Gurkha Assassin
  • Gurkha Crest

You will absolutely love the airtight seal, humidifier beads, and a kickass conventional handle to carry your delectable delicacies on the go.

Another awesome travel humidor is the Cigar Caddy Travel Humidor is great for light smokers or for a short weekend trip or beach day. This Cigar Caddy carries 2 cigars. The Asti Cherry Travel Humidor is made with cherry colored Spanish Cedar and has an overall clean and sleek design. Check out our different travel humidors. Get your travel humidor today and rest assured that your cigars will be ready to enjoy during your travels. Everyone at Gotham Cigars wishes you safe travels!

25th Apr 2016 Michelle Fisher

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