Consistently receiving Cigar Aficionado's highest ratings, Padron Cigars have earned the reputation as a producer of the most highly prized cigars. After years of passionate crafting and hard work, this brand has created cigars worthy of special times. One of them is the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Imperial Maduro, which received a 94 rating by Cigar Aficionado. These premium sticks are the thickest from the Anniversary line, and have the perfect draw, delivering notes of citrus, espresso, cocoa, and sweet wood. The Padron 1964 Anniversary was created to commemorate Padron's 30th anniversary of making the finest cigars on the market. They are crafted by the traditional Cuban cigar making process that results to the distinctive box pressed shape and a smooth complex flavor. These rare cigars are full bodied and made with 4 year aged Nicaraguan tobaccos, covered by a silky Maduro wrapper. Padron 1964 Anniversary Imperial are 6 x 54 toros and available in five packs and boxes of 25 cigars.
6 x 54 (Toro) | Box of 25 | Nicaraguan Habano | Nicaraguan | Nicaraguan | Nicaragua |
SKU: |
Category: |
Premium Cigars |
Product Type: |
Cigar |
Manufacturer: |
Padron |
Brand: |
Padron 1964 Anniversary |
Wrapper Type: |
Habano |
Wrapper: |
Nicaraguan Habano |
Binder: |
Nicaraguan |
Filler: |
Nicaraguan |
Origin: |
Nicaragua |
Ring Gauge: |
54 |
Length: |
6 |
Shape: |
Toro |
Strength: |
Full |
Quantity: |
25/5 |
Package Type: |
Pack/Box |
Rating: |
94 |
Package Count: |
25 |
Price Per Cigar: |
$18.6732 |
Gift Type: |
Birthday |
Flavored: |
No |
Filtered: |
No |
Little: |
No |
Groupon: |
No |
Discontinued: |
no |
Buy 1 Get 1: |
No |
Free Gift: |
No |
Free Shipping: |
No |
Suscribe: |
No |
90+ Rated: |
Yes |
Limited Edition: |
No |
Rare Cigar: |
Yes |
Top 25 Brand: |
No |
Aficionado Top 25: |
No |
Staff Pick: |
No |