Vaquero Cigars
Vaquero Filtered Cigars offer an excellent blend of premium tobacco and tantalizing flavors. These flavorsome cigars are made in the US and are created with utmost care and passion. The strength of tobacco adds two more varieties to this filtered cigar range, categorizing them into Natural and Light. Pleasant aroma, smooth smoke and the lingering taste of delectable flavors adds a much needed punch that you will definitely need after a long day at work. The pocket-friendly pricing also makes them a quality alternative to their expensive counterparts.
Vaquero cigars have a longer and firm body built with rigid packaging. Each carton contains 20 cigars and the distribution lies with Sunshine Tobacco Inc, located at Miami FL. Variety has always been the spice of life and people are always looking to try new things. Keeping that in mind, Vaquero has a wide range of flavors like Menthol, Cherry, Peach, Vanilla and Wild Berry being blended with the tobacco leaves to make amazing cigars. Each flavor has the sweet smokiness and the aroma filling essence in it that helps enhance the flavor profile of the smoke. Once you start smoking one of these beauties, stopping is never an option. Give one of these Vaqueros a try today and see what all the fuss is about.