Indulge in the essence of exotic fruits and bourbon vanilla with a stick of CAO Moontrance Corona cigars, the most popular premium cigars preferred by majority of cigar smokers. These cigars are rolled with a blend of Dominican tobacco that come imbued with intricate flavors of exotic fruits and the caramel-like essence of bourbon vanilla. They are then rounded up in Dominican binders and finally wrapped in grade one natural Cameroon leaves to give you a well-constructed product. These cigars produce a mild smoke and a distinct flavor that is hard to miss. The even burn also lets you enjoy the flavor throughout as you light them.
These premium cigars come with a length of 5 1/2 inches and have a ring gauge of 42. Packaged in smart and stylish cases to keep them fresh for longer durations of time, they come in sets of 20. Affordably priced, these cigars are your perfect companion for a nice and tranquil cigar break.
5 1/2 x 42 (Corona) | Box of 20 | Cameroon | Dominican | Dominican | Dominican Republic |
The simplicity in the name of this line does not reflect the sheer ambrosial glory of indulging in these cigars.
The CAO Flavours line features 5 cigar brands including Bella Vanilla, Eileen’s Dream, CAO Solfyre, Moontrance, and Cherry Bomb.
SKU: |
Category: |
Premium Cigars |
Product Type: |
Cigar |
Manufacturer: |
Brand: |
CAO Moontrance |
Wrapper Type: |
Cameroon |
Wrapper: |
African Cameroon |
Binder: |
Dominican |
Filler: |
Dominican |
Origin: |
Dominican Republic |
Ring Gauge: |
42 |
Length: |
5 1/2 |
Shape: |
Corona |
Strength: |
Mild-Medium |
Quantity: |
20 |
Package Type: |
Box |
Rating: |
N/A |
Package Count: |
20 |
Price Per Cigar: |
$4.758 |
Gift Type: |
Not Applicable |
Flavored: |
No |
Filtered: |
No |
Little: |
No |
Groupon: |
No |
Discontinued: |
No |
Buy 1 Get 1: |
No |
Free Gift: |
No |
Free Shipping: |
No |
Suscribe: |
No |
90+ Rated: |
No |
Limited Edition: |
No |
Rare Cigar: |
No |
Top 25 Brand: |
No |
Aficionado Top 25: |
No |
Staff Pick: |
No |