My Father
The My Father blend is the highest rated and most prestigious in the My Father Cigars portfolio. These exquisite cigars that have earned a very impressive 94 rating from Cigar Aficionado and a place in the top 25 cigars of the year multiple years. You can expect perfection in the quality of construction, flavor and elegant presentation.
This full bodied blend is made with hand selected tobaccos from the family farm in Esteli, Nicaragua. The wrapper is an exclusive Ecuadorian Habano-Rosado leaf that adds to the complexity of flavors. Each box consists of 23 cigars hand rolled utilizing traditional Cuban techniques. My Father cigars are a rare treat for even the most experienced connoisseur.
The My Father blend is the highest rated and most prestigious in the My Father Cigars portfolio. These exquisite cigars that have earned a very impressive 94 rating from Cigar Aficionado and a place in the top 25 cigars of the year multiple years. You can expect perfection in the quality of construction, flavor and elegant presentation.
This full bodied blend is made with hand selected tobaccos from the family farm in Esteli, Nicaragua. The wrapper is an exclusive Ecuadorian Habano-Rosado leaf that adds to the complexity of flavors. Each box consists of 23 cigars hand rolled utilizing traditional Cuban techniques. My Father cigars are a rare treat for even the most experienced connoisseur.