5 Boroughs Cigars
During our nearly 25 years in business, Gotham Cigars has had the opportunity to meet and do business with many amazing cigar makers. We have listened to their stories, watched them work and marveled at their craftsmanship. We are using this experience to launch our finest cigar yet, which is our labor of love dedicated to the art of handmade cigar making, called 5 Boroughs.
The 5 Boroughs cigar lineup has been created using carefully selected tobaccos that are crafted to our most discerning specifications. The cigars will appeal to even the most particular premium cigar smoker, but at a price that will allow anyone who enjoys a great cigar to afford 5 Boroughs.
Crafted by Raymond Pages at his boutique Tabacalera Pages factory in Nicaragua, the 5 Boroughs cigars offer unique blends utilizing tobaccos aged over 3 years. The cigars are offered in three exclusive blends ranging from mild to medium-full bodied and with three distinct wrappers - Connecticut, Ecuadorian Habano, and Mexican San Andres Maduro, and each blend is named for an iconic borough in New York- 212, Chelsea and Bowery. Each blend is available in three vitolas - Toro, Gordo and Churchill and are packed in bundles of 10 cigars.
During our nearly 25 years in business, Gotham Cigars has had the opportunity to meet and do business with many amazing cigar makers. We have listened to their stories, watched them work and marveled at their craftsmanship. We are using this experience to launch our finest cigar yet, which is our labor of love dedicated to the art of handmade cigar making, called 5 Boroughs.
The 5 Boroughs cigar lineup has been created using carefully selected tobaccos that are crafted to our most discerning specifications. The cigars will appeal to even the most particular premium cigar smoker, but at a price that will allow anyone who enjoys a great cigar to afford 5 Boroughs.
Crafted by Raymond Pages at his boutique Tabacalera Pages factory in Nicaragua, the 5 Boroughs cigars offer unique blends utilizing tobaccos aged over 3 years. The cigars are offered in three exclusive blends ranging from mild to medium-full bodied and with three distinct wrappers - Connecticut, Ecuadorian Habano, and Mexican San Andres Maduro, and each blend is named for an iconic borough in New York- 212, Chelsea and Bowery. Each blend is available in three vitolas - Toro, Gordo and Churchill and are packed in bundles of 10 cigars.