Ashton Classic Cigars
An Ashton Classic cigar is the perfect choice if you're searching for a smoke that's both enjoyable and mellow, whether you are a novice or aficionado. Each cigar is expertly hand crafted and no detail is overlooked, which is evident in every puff. This dedication to perfection has made them one of the most popular luxury cigars around.
The Ashton Classic features a carefully selected blend of the finest Dominican tobaccos that have been aged for three to four years to perfection. This allows the tobacco to become rich in flavor yet remain mild bodied, giving you a divinely smooth smoking experience every single time. This mildness is perfectly accented with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper which keeps the flavor delicate yet intriguing. Allow the creamy flavor of the cigar to envelop your senses as notes of cashews, nutmeg and light spice dance across your palate. Each one of these masterpieces is handmade in the Dominican Republic. Ashton Classic cigars are available in an impressive array of fourteen different sizes including the popular Ashton 898 and Ashton Churchill at discount prices.
Read moreWhen Robert Levin launched Ashton Cigars in 1985, he released the first Ashton cigar made by Henke Kelner of Tabadom. Later he moved the production to the Fuente Family who re-blended and re-released the cigar. This is the Ashton Classic.
Ashton Classic: The Blend
Ashton Classic has been around for more than 35 years yet its popularity has not dwindled in the least. This speaks to Ashton’s reputation for quality and consistency. It’s revered as the perfect mild to medium smoke for all palates including those that prefer stronger cigars.
Ashton Classic is blended using Dominican long-fillers aged for three to four years. These are cloaked in a Dominican binder and swathed in a Connecticut Shade wrapper grown in the Connecticut River Valley in the US.
Dominant flavours include cream, roasted nuts, oak, cinnamon, sweet cedar, light rich baking spice, hay, and espresso. Worthy mentioning is the pleasant sweet cedar aroma from the smoke. It’s neither overpowering nor offensive even to non-smokers.
Being the oldest cigar in the Ashton portfolio, Ashton Classic comes in one of the largest offerings and vitolas -sixteen in all including tubos and glass cases. They include:
Cordial (5x30) Magnum (5x50) Corona (5.5x44) Panetela (6x36) Crystal Belicoso (6x49) Double Magnum (6x50) Monarch (6x50)
898 (6.5x44) Crystal No. 1 (6.5x44) Prime Minister (6.875x48) Imperial Tube (5.5x44) Churchill (7.5x52)
About Ashton Cigars
Ashton cigars was founded by Robert Levin in 1985 after having been in the tobacco business for more than a decade. Robert Levin, owner of Holt’s Cigar Company began handling tobacco when he was still in grade school working in his father’s company. Holt’s Cigar Company was and still is a cigar retailer with a strong catalogue business.
When Robert Levin inherited Holt’s Cigar Company in the 1970s, he knew what to do business-wise but was dissatisfied with the quality of cigars in the market. He envisioned a well blended, well balanced cigar. Finally, after a failed attempt with Henke Kelner, the now Ashton Classic was released in 1985 in partnership with the Fuente Family.
This was great timing for Ashton because of the cigar boom which propelled Ashton Cigars into the big leagues and set it apart as a premium cigar company. Since then Ashton has released more top notch smokes that are just as popular including Ashton VSG, Ashton Aged Maduro, Ashton Cabinet, and Ashton Symmetry among others.